It’s worrisome just how frequent lock bumping has become — with an estimated 35% of home invasions showing no signs of forced entry. As a homeowner, these statistics can be alarming, to say the least, especially if you’re still using traditional cylinder locks.
Apart from hiring a trustworthy, professional locksmith in NYC, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to prevent lock bumping.
What is Lock Bumping?
Lock bumping is a technique frequently employed by seasoned burglars to open pin tumbler locks quickly without leaving any trace behind. It involves using a specially designed bump key, which is inserted into the lock and then tapped with a mallet or screwdriver.
This causes the pins inside the lock to jump momentarily, allowing the lock to turn and open.
How to Prevent Lock Bumping
Preventing lock bumping isn’t always a straightforward approach. You may find it beneficial to employ a couple of these tips to deter unwanted guests.
1. Upgrading to Bump-Proof Locks
Simply put, bump-proof locks are designed to thwart lock bumping attempts. Unlike traditional locks, these do not rely on the well-known pin tumbler mechanism, which makes them significantly harder to get by.
Here are some popular options:
High-Security Locks
When upgrading your locks in your home or business, you ideally need to be looking for locks with a ‘UL 437’ rating. This is a good indicator that the locks have passed stringent security tests.
Electronic ‘Smart’ Locks
Another great option to keep an eye out for is smart locks, which don’t require traditional keys — which means no more worrying about lock bumpers. Smart locks can be controlled via smartphone apps, providing additional security features such as remote access and activity logs.
2. Temporary Lock Guards
Keeping your home safe can be expensive, and when you just don’t seem to have the budget for it, temporary lock guards can save the day. These nifty devices are installed on the inside of your door, which prevent the lock from turning even if it’s bumped.
3. Auxiliary Security Devices
If you’re willing to go the extra mile, in addition to bump-proof locks, you can also invest in an auxiliary security device. For example, door jammers and stoppers can be placed under the doorknob or even at the base of your door to prevent unwanted entries.
4. Improving Visibility in Your Home
Remember when our parents would ask us to leave the lights on before leaving the home to ward off thieves? Turns out, they weren’t entirely wrong. Burglars prefer working in the unseen. In fact, they thrive in it.
By increasing visibility in and around your home, you can possibly deter thieves from lock-bumping your home. This could include installing motion-detecting lights around entry and exit points to identify any suspicious activities or keeping shrubs trimmed to prevent hiding spots.
5. Installing a Security System
This may be a given, but you’d be surprised just how many homes still haven’t gotten a proper security system installed. Installing cameras and alarms around your home can keep both you and your property safe.
Modern systems even offer the ability to turn on real-time notifications on your phone which allows you ample time to respond promptly.
6. Guard Dogs
Dogs aren’t just man’s best friend — they also make for a great security system. You might even find placing signs stating the presence of a guard dog to be beneficial for discouraging unwanted entries into your home. They don’t always have to be big and scary though, even smaller dogs can bark loud enough to scare off intruders.
7. Carry Out Regular Inspections
Prevention is always better than a cure and the same goes for the security of your home. By regularly inspecting and maintaining your locks, you could be doing yourself and your loved ones a huge favor. If you’re not sure how to carry out an inspection yourself, you can always reach out to a locksmith in NYC to do it for you.
Some important inspections to carry out include:
- Check for Tampering: Periodically inspect your locks for signs of tampering, such as scratches or unusual wear.
- Test Security Systems: Regularly test your security system and ensure all components are functioning correctly.
Also read: Top Keyless Door Locks Every Homeowner Should Consider Buying in 2023
Secure Homes, Done Right
Lock bumping is no joke. But with the right measures and help from a professional locksmith in NYC, you could be warding off trouble from miles away.
For expert advice and professional installation of high-security locks, contact iGuard Locksmith. We offer a wide range of services designed to keep your home secure against modern burglary techniques. With iGuard Locksmith, you can enhance your home’s security and gain peace of mind knowing that your property is well-protected.